Saturday 26 January 2008

Fiddlehead Spoon

Hey! diddle, diddle,
The cat and the
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the

(Mother Goose)


  1. Still waiting for Picasa.
    In the meantime, one more recycled post, this time from my Straberry Fields blog.
    More treats if you click on the image.

  2. Do you ever do tea? Or is that just not photogenic enough for you Merisi!?

  3. To Andre, whispering:
    I am a passionate tea brewer and drinker. My motto is "Tea by the pot, twice daily!" ;-))

  4. Glad to see and read you like Tea as well Merisi...though I have never found the "right" place for it yet in Vienna. At home, it is tea all the time, but Vienna is by nature a Kaffeehaus place. I think I have only ever had Tea with Rum, in the Winter.

    What are the cakes on the tray? They look yummy.

  5. kurwenal:
    I love tea! :-)
    Diglas, Dommayer, Gloriette Cafe', and Cafe' Museum all offer tea made with good quality loose tea leaves. I always ask for a second pot of hot water, because they all use too many tea leaves for my taste. Recently I had Earl Gray at Haas & Haas Teehaus, right behind St. Stephen's Cathedral, and this was quite a relevation! I haven't been back there yet, but if it tastes half as good as the first time around, I shall report back with pictures. ;-)

    Are you referring to the next post? These were my Faschingskrapfen, a kind of donut, made with yeast dough, and filled with apricot jam (what else, in Vienna?). The Puppenkrapfen at Demel's is a miniature version. Mine taste better. ;-)))

  6. Dear Merisi,
    Wouldn't matter if the cow ran away with the spoon, I would still happily drink this cup of coffee!

    ps above, you make me smile. "warning" recycled post!!!

  7. I have a leaf on a new tree that has grown just like that "fiddlehead" - I must take a photo of it!


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